I’ve previosly written about CMake and its benefits. The truth is — CMake is a beast of a technology and it takes some time to get good at it. However, it is possible to take advantage from it without being a complete pro. Below, I’ll try to list and explain the most common CMake commands to use when cross-compiling for a embedded device.

You can read the entire code on my github repository.

Create the project

A common thing to do when it comes to setup a independent development workflow is to try to mimic what the vendor provides. In the following examples, I’ll targeting the STM32F030R8 which is part of the NUCLEO-F030R8.

The STM32CubeIDE provides not only an Graphical User Interface (GUI) to develop for the ST devices, but also an abstraction from any build or flash process. The goal is to pull what’s is useful from the STM32CubeIDE and move to CMake as soon as possible.

In order to do that, after creating a project for the target board, the necessary files are created. The project directory will look something like this:

- /Core
- /Drivers
- STM32F030R8TX_FLASH.ld

The Core folder includes relevant system and application code (I’ll later separate them). The Drivers folder include the STM32 Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) and CMSIS libraries.


CMSIS can be ignored.

Personally, I don’t like the way the project is structured, so I changed to this:

- /application
- /hal
- /system
- STM32F030R8TX_FLASH.ld

Application folder should be independent from the system (part of previous /Core ) and HAL IHMO.

I’ve also removed the main.h file, copied all the defines inside and moved to another file named pin_list.h . Again, personally, don’t think that a system file should include application code, only the other way around.

#ifndef PINLIST_H_
#define PINLIST_H_
#define B1_Pin GPIO_PIN_13
#define B1_GPIO_Port GPIOC
#define USART_TX_Pin GPIO_PIN_2
#define USART_RX_Pin GPIO_PIN_3
#define LD2_Pin GPIO_PIN_5
#define LD2_GPIO_Port GPIOA
#define TMS_Pin GPIO_PIN_13
#define TMS_GPIO_Port GPIOA
#define TCK_Pin GPIO_PIN_14
#define TCK_GPIO_Port GPIOA


If this all seems a bit hard, I would recommend going through the readme of this github repository first.

Move to your IDE

You can take the previous project and move it to your IDE of preference. Of course, nothing will compile, but we will tackle that soon.

After moving all the previous files into your IDE workplace, clone the STM32F0 HAL repository as a submodule:

git submodule add https://github.com/STMicroelectronics/stm32f0xx_hal_driver

CMake joins the room

Now that all the boring requirements are met, it is time to play with CMake. In the root folder, you can start by creating a CMakeLists.txt file. If this doesn’t sound familiar, please read my previous post about it.

Let’s start with the minimum amount of code:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.22)
# Before setting up project.
enable_language(C CXX ASM) # 'Enable' Assembly to load the startup file.

The CMakeLists.txt always starts with a cmake_minimum_required followed by a project . Although it is possible to define the toolchain using the command line, I personally prefer to set it up inside a file toolchain.cmake and including it before the project is named. The toolchain is essential to be able to compile to whatever platform you are compiling to; in this case arm-gcc compiler.

The last command enable_language does exactly what you think — enables the following languagues: C, C++ and Assembly.

The next lines of CMake set the path of the folders or files necessary to build.

set(SYSTEM_PATH                ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/system)
## -------------- Change according to your STM32 -------------- ##
set(HAL_PATH                   ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/stm32f0xx_hal_driver)
set(LD_FILE_PATH               ${SYSTEM_PATH}/STM32F030R8TX_FLASH.ld)
set(STARTUP_FILE_PATH          ${SYSTEM_PATH}/startup_stm32f030r8tx.s)
set(CPU_OPTIONS                -mcpu=cortex-m0 -mfloat-abi=soft)
set(STM_DEFINE                 STM32F030x8)
include(stm32f0.cmake)         # File that includes the options and definitions
## ------------------------------------------------------------ ##

Note that the way the paths are added to CMake follow the same structure as stated before.

I’ve deviced to include the compilation options and definitions inside a file, the stm32f0.cmake (just another personal preference). Let’s take a look inside:

#### -------------- COMPILER -------------- ####
# Preprocessor defines!
#### -------------- LINKER -------------- ####
  ## -- MATH LIBRARY START -- ##
  ## -- MATH LIBRARY END -- ##
  # Print memory usage - flash, ram, etc

The COMPILER_OPTIONS can change according to the user need. There different types of compilation optimization and you read more about here.

For example, the -Og optimizes the code for debugging: good debugging experience while having a fast compilation time.

You can use the COMPILER_DEFINES to include different defines within the codebase.

The LINKER_OPTIONS will be later used to link all the objects together. The options come as default from STM32CubeIDE.

CMake inheritance

After setting all the options, definitions and paths, it is time to device about the structure of the libraries and the executable.

The CMake will have a final target, the application, in which will include as many libraries as possible:

  • /HAL needs files from /system
  • /system needs files from /HAL
  • /application needs files from both, /HAL and /system

The dependencies can be viewed as such:

flowchart TD
    A[HAL] <--> B[system]
    A --> C[application]
    B --> C[application]

Although /HAL dependends from /system and vice-versa, /HAL needs to have its compilation options and definitions private. You don’t want to print the amount of warning comming from the /HAL . Therefore, the CMake code continues as follow:

# System
file(GLOB system_source CONFIGURE_DEPENDS ${SYSTEM_PATH}/source/*.c)
set(system_include ${SYSTEM_PATH}/include)
file(GLOB hal_source CONFIGURE_DEPENDS ${HAL_PATH}/Src/*.c ${HAL_PATH}/Src/Legacy/*.c)
list(FILTER hal_source EXCLUDE REGEX ".*template\\.c$")
set(hal_include ${HAL_PATH}/Inc ${HAL_PATH}/Inc/Legacy)
add_library(hal ${hal_source})
target_include_directories(hal PUBLIC ${hal_include} ${system_include})
# Don't look up for warnings - compile options and defines as PRIVATE.
target_compile_definitions(hal PRIVATE ${COMPILER_DEFINES})
target_compile_options(hal PRIVATE ${CPU_OPTIONS})

In order to have its compilation options and defines private, it is necessary to create the static library hal . This library will include all the /HAL related files (e.g. ${hal_include} ) and the default compiling options and definitions.

# Application
file(GLOB application_source CONFIGURE_DEPENDS ${APPLICATION_PATH}/source/*.c)
set(application_include ${APPLICATION_PATH}/include)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${application_source} ${system_source} ${STARTUP_FILE_PATH})
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE ${application_include})
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} hal)
target_compile_definitions(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE ${COMPILER_DEFINES})
target_compile_options(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE ${CPU_OPTIONS} -Wall -Wextra -Werror)

The hal library is then linked to the application target and extra compilation options are added:

-Wall -Wextra -Werror

Since the hal library had its compilation options and defines set as private, the application won’t inherit anything from it (nor vice-versa).

add_custom_command(TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME} POST_BUILD

To finalize, the application target is linked with the default options and a .hex is created after the target has been built.

CMake most wanted

From the all the code snippets stated above, it is possible to verify a pattern:

  1. Create a library and add sources to library
add_library(test ${test_source_files})
  1. Include directories
target_include_directories(test PRIVATE/PUBLIC/INTERFACE ${test_include_files})

Set as PRIVATE to include the directories only for this library. Set as PUBLIC to include the directories for this library and respective targets where this library is linked.

  1. Define compilation options
target_compile_options(test PRIVATE ${test_compilation_options})

Set as PRIVATE to define the options only for this library. Set as PUBLIC to define the options for this library and respective targets where this library is linked.

Note that some of the compilation options might already be set according to build types, e.g. CMAKE_C_FLAGS.

  1. Define compilation definitions
target_compile_definitions(test PRIVATE ${test_compilation_definitions})

Set as PRIVATE to define the definitions only for this library. Set as PUBLIC to define the definitions for this library and respective targets where this library is linked.

If you know this, you can do anything. CMake is all about libraries, targets and inheritance.