I’ve decided to write this after a meeting I had with a coworker. We were having a coding live session where we would point out things we could improve and tweaks we could add to turn things a bit more scalable. The coding language was Python, but honestly speaking, this could be almost about any languague.

The program we were reviewing had to do a few tasks — some successively, others sporadically. However, the program would crash in case of an error, even when caught. Moreover, we were using this approach to test: we would assert against an exception.

Nevertheless, the end goal of the program was achived - it worked - and the errors were being caught during the unit test phase. However, this way of developing is conceptually wrong. When one recommends to handle the errors gracefully, is to avoid crashing a program due to one or more defined behaviour.

When an exception is raised, it should come as an undefined behaviour and not as an known error (defined behaviour). On a simple try/catch pair, the error can be gracefully managed:

  function_that_can_crash(first_argument, second_argument)
except Exception as e:
  # Or do something else with the error, e.g. log, print
  return e
  return 0

And NOT as something like:

  function_that_can_crash(first_argument, second_argument)
except Exception as e:
  raise Exception
  return 0

In the first example, the exception is correctly caught and transformed into a error value. In the second example, the exception leads the program to crash.

Now, why is this so important? As I stated before, the program does a bunch of stuff which we can split in:

  • Feature A
  • Feature B

In the most recent code changes, the feature A codebase was slightly altered. Eventually, an exception is raised and the program crashes. The user program has crashed over changes from feature A and can’t use both. However, in a case where the errors are gracefully managed, the user could still use the feature B whereas the feature A would just not work as expected.